Akka vs. Spring Reactor personal comparison
Akka vs. Spring Reactor personal comparison: I used for both a mass of Fake data of 200000 records for each. Both use the Reactive Streams Specification (Reactive Streams) Reactive Streams is an initiative to provide a standard for asynchronous flow processing with non-blocking return pressure. This includes efforts focused on runtime environments (JVM and JavaScript) as well as network protocols. What we want is asynchronous and non-blocking. A group of developers of companies like Netflix, Pivotal, RedHat, etc. met and converged to something called The Reactive Streams Specification. Akka framework Akka is an Opensource framework. Akka is implemented from the agent model (originated in 1973 by Carl Hewitt), which provides a model for dealing with concurrent computing. Akka, the unit of execution is the Actor and his microservices are built as actors. An actor is lightweight and there may be sev...